5 Uses For Baby Wipes – Around The House
Posted on: January 18, 2017 | Postpartum
So wipes are great for running errands, but that doesn’t even begin to tap into the possibilities! Have you even begun to scratch the surface on all the uses for baby wipes around the house? You have probably figured out you can use them to clean sticky hands, faces, and whatever they got in their hair (or yours).
You’ll Be Here When???
You get the dreaded call…your mother in law is on her way and will be there in 15 minutes!! After you shove the toys under the couch and the dirty socks in the closet, you can impress her farther by running around the house with you trusted baby wipes package. Wipe down the juice cup rings from the kitchen table and the fingerprints on the coffee table in a snap! Uh-Oh! Baby had just spit up on the faux leather couch from Ikea right before she called…let’s face it, it was yesterday. Wipe it off quick and easy.
Of Course I Cleaned There
Dusty shelves? Where? You don’t have dusty shelves because you quickly used your baby wipes to clean that up. Did your mother in law bring her white gloves to check your baseboards while you get her a cup of coffee? No worries, because you cleaned those too! As you watch her try to slyly glance up at your ceiling fan, you smile to yourself knowing you also managed to wipe those down before she got there. You even managed to wipe off the scuff marks off the wall (without removing the paint) that the toddler left as a remnant from the fit he threw when you gave him the wrong color cup last week!
It’s Potty Time!
Take this show to the bathroom for a quick clean-up of toothpaste on the sink. Even get that spot behind the toilet seat (and let’s face it, the floor right next to it) that every male in your house manages to hit! Your bathroom will be sparkly, clean with a fresh scent thanks to your ingenious use of the baby wipes.
Coffee, Coffee, Coffee
Did you know you don’t even need to worry about the mugs you serve that coffee in? Your baby wipes saved you again. A swipe of the wipe and those coffee stains in the old mugs are gone and no one is the wiser. Your mother in law will feel like she is sitting in a cozy café.
Baby Wipes, Not Just For People
You can use these wondrous wipes to freshen up pet rodent cages in between the full cleans. Even grab a couple wipes to spot clean the dog who was digging around in your tomato plants…again!
But why should you have all the fun? Baby wipes don’t have any harsh chemicals like bleach in them, so hand a few to your toddler and let them go crazy helping clean!
What other unique ways do you use your baby wipes? Share in the comments!
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