{Guest Post} 5 Things I Know About Planned Cesarean Birth
Posted on: August 15, 2016 | Birth Stories, Guest Posts

Have you found out that you will need to have a cesarean surgery or even just decided that this is the best birth for you? Check out these tips from guest blogger Molly Staples with Molly Staples Doula on how to prepare for a planned cesarean.
5 Things I Know About Planned Cesarean Birth
By: Molly Staples
Congratulations! You’re going to meet your new baby (or babies) and you are planning a cesarean. Cesarean birth can be intimidating. It is a surgical procedure and it may not have been your first choice. Please be assured that a cesarean birth can be just as empowering and beautiful for a birthing mother as a vaginal birth. It, like vaginal birth, takes some planning and brainstorming. Here are 5 things that I know to help you get ready for this amazing day.
The hospital bag is a little different
You need a couple extra outfits because you will be at the hospital longer than a vaginal birth. Considering that, bring extra “stuff” for your comfort and your partner’s. Bring nothing that will sit on your incision (think maternity leggings). You may also want some affirmations that are specific for cesarean birth, or music you really enjoy. If this is the case, bring some headphones. You may be able to listen during your birth.
That room is bright
Some mothers find that the ambiance is not what they imagine when they think of birth. Prepare yourself for it and get your mind to a calm place. The lighting will not impart peace, so that will be up to you, your partner and your doula. Your support people may not be able to accompany you until your spinal is placed, so bring yourself to a calm state of mind until they are able to support you. Some ideas to mellow the harsh: music in your headphones, deep breathing, and aromatherapy. Ask for the names of your nurses and talk to them. Discuss these things with your anesthesiologist (see #2) to be sure they are onboard.
The sensations are real
Cesarean moms often describe a tugging/pulling sensation during their birthing process. This is totally normal. Be prepared to talk about it with your OB so you are not caught off-guard. Also your spinal concoction can cause heaviness in your chest. Be prepared for it and it will likely not be bothersome at all. With gentle preparation, these things are not intense or terribly uncomfortable. Your birth partner can also help to reassure you that this is a normal part of cesarean birth. It is not painful, but it can be something that is completely new to you.
The Anesthesiologist is in charge
Bring a list of questions to ask your anesthesiologist on the morning or your birth. Can I have a scent or essential oil to cover the smells of surgery? Can my doula come into the surgical suite? Can I have one arm free to hold my baby? Can I have a clear drape? Can I have music or listen to affirmations during my labor? Include these things in your cesarean birth plan and be prepared to discuss them when you arrive at the hospital.
Not everyone will understand and be supportive
Not everyone understands that a person can go into this with
confidence and a feeling of security. Cesarean births can disappoint some, but I urge you to find confidence in yourself and this path that has been laid before you. This process can, and should, be empowering. This is right for you, your body, your baby. Cesarean birth is something that can, absolutely, be enjoyed by you and your partner. Hearing your baby cry, having them set on your chest, smelling their head; it’s all real. It all happens. You are strong, and you are preparing to meet your baby. It takes strength and courage to birth any baby; this is no different. You are amazing.
For more information on the services Molly Staples offers in Maine, check out Molly Staples Doula
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