I Am Not An Activist
Posted on: September 2, 2016 | Birth Stories, Childbirth

All too often doulas are associated with being activists. While there are doulas that exist that have an agenda, that is not all of us.
I used to participate in an annual rally. For a few years I was even the local organizer. I thought I was making a difference. I thought that we were letting the local community know that they can ask for better care and together we can make those changes.
What I didn’t think about how the local providers saw us.
They saw us as troublemakers. They saw us standing on a corner holding signs, telling their patients to question their care.
I don’t know why I never saw it that way. I don’t want to be seen that way.
I want to work on building bridges with the local medical providers. My goals are to work with them and not against them. Everyone will have a better experience if we all work together.
I am not an activist. I do not come to your birth with an idea in my head of how I think birth should look. I am always amazed and impressed in the way different women handle labor. I am in awe of the many decisions that are laid before us during this time and the many different ways we can choose to see our path go.
There is no ideal birth. The picture in one woman’s head of what her perfect birth looks like can be completely different than someone else. Only you know what’s right for you.
My job as your doula is not to make you question your doctor. You should have complete trust in your choice of care provider. I understand that my clients are adults and completely capable of making choices for themselves without me “educating” them. If my client’s ask me for information or resources, I am happy to share my knowledge.
I will not be spewing cesarean section statistics on you if you tell me that your doctor has recommended an induction. I would be happy to discuss how this makes you feel and if you so choose, we can discuss your options or just what induction looks like. We can talk about the different things you may want to pack in your hospital bag.
My job as your doula is to completely support the choices you make. To comfort you in knowing you are making the choices that are right for you in that moment.
If you are wanting education, you can contact me about the childbirth classes I offer in the Kankakee County area.
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