I am not a blogger, I do not blog. Well, I mean I guess I do now…
I am just a girl from a small midwestern town trying to do her best. Trying to raise 4 kids the best way I know how and yet I know I could be doing better. Trying to be the best wife I can possibly be. Trying to be Betty Crocker, Martha Stewart, Suzie Homemaker and a million other people on a daily basis.
Trying to find me. Trying to find out who I am beyond wife, mother, sister, daughter.
I know some things about me. I am fluent in sarcasm. I didn’t know hedgehogs were real until recently. I like bacon. Ok I love bacon. I am a little girlier than I used to believe I was…I am even starting to like the color pink. If only you knew how I used to feel about this “color” you would know how significant that is.
I love being a mom and wife. I have found my other passion in life. I love birth. I love teaching childbirth education using The Bradley Method® and hearing from my students how I helped them. I love supporting women and reminding them how strong they are as they bring their new blessing into this world. I love, as their doula, knowing I helped them have the birth they wanted.
There is so much more to me than I ever knew.
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