Kids In The Kitchen
Posted on: February 15, 2017 | Family, Parenting, Toddlers, Uncategorized

What are some of the ways you spend time with your kids? One of my favorite things to do is have my kids in my kitchen with me.
There are so many benefits!
My 4 year old loves to help me cook. Her main job is mixing. She whisks the scrambled eggs or the seasonings for a meat rub.
My 6 year old enjoys using his counting skills. He gets to measure out the powdered sugar for buttercream frosting and flour for a roux.
My 12 year old is old enough to be trusted working alongside me. She likes to make peanut butter balls all on her own, but she also enjoys cutting the potatoes and onions for pot roast.
My 14 year old has been doing this the longest. He loves to cook. I can set him loose in the kitchen on his own. He also has fun making side dishes to go with our dinners.
My kids are learning to be able to take care of themselves and their future families. They are learning to apply their counting and math skills. They are learning the coordination that goes along with using a sharp knife.
Most of all we are spending quality time as a family.
We don’t need an expensive vacation to enjoy spending time together.
Cooking has not always been something I enjoyed. I grew up eating a lot of frozen meals or food from boxes. Don’t get me wrong, I am not a make everything for every meal from scratch type person now. We do have frozen meals, fast food, and of course pizza! However, I will always cherish the time I get to spend in the kitchen with my children.
We are making memories to last us a lifetime and hopefully I am passing on a tradition to them. I look forward to the day they are parents and including their children in dinner prep.
One of my favorite things that come along with them helping is the look of pride on their faces when they tell their dad “I made that!”
What are some of the ways your kids help in the kitchen?
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