Well, if that doesn’t get your attention I don’t know what will…
I used to use cutesy names for these parts of our anatomy. Even as a parent, when talking about it I used words like wee wee, winky, va-jay jay, privates … well you get the idea.
I decided with my 2 youngest I needed to use more accurate terminology.
Boy has that turned out interesting for my house!
My son was about 2.5 when I taught him and he was excited. He loved to run around and tell you he has a penis. As a matter of fact, he would tell every onewho would listen the names of his siblings and if they had a penis or an ‘agina’. I just stood behind him smiling, while cringing inside.
Fast forward 2 years and my youngest has decided she is ready to potty train. She tells me in that rushed voice “Momma I gotta PEEEEEEEE”. I help her get her diaper off and into the bathroom. This is where it gets interesting.
She stands up at the toilet and puts her hands “down there” as if she is holding something. I try to explain to her she has nothing to hold and sit her down. Next time she has to pee, she runs up to me again, grabs her diaper, and says “Mom, my penis!! I have to peeeee!!!”
I again take her to the bathroom and sit her down. I try to explain to her again, she has a vagina, not a penis. It keeps going back and forth…
Honey, you have a vagina.
No, a peeeenis.
Let that sink in a moment. I am arguing with a toddler on whether she has a penis or vagina. I cannot even imagine what the neighbors must think.
My daughter no longer argues about what she does or does not have, although I have a sneaking suspicion she still thinks she is right. She also no longer wears diapers. That is right, she potty trained within a week! I did not do a thing. It was all her and she deserves all the credit. Each of my kids has been a completely different experience with potty training, but this was by far the best and easiest one yet.
I am a lucky mom, who has given birth to some amazing children!
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