Ugh, I’m The Worst…
Posted on: February 21, 2017 | Childbirth, Misc. , Pregnancy

Well, technically I am the best…at being hard on myself.
Have a critique for me? Yeah, I have probably already told myself the same thing in 20 different ways.
An example is my signing. I sing all day, everywhere. Shower. Car. Doing dishes. Writing blogs.
My house is filled with music so often, that my kids now sing requests “Can I have more wiggly worms pleeeease?” (wiggly worms = gummy worms for those of us not 4 and living in my house)
Now comes the being hard on myself part, I won’t sing if you can hear me. My kids yeah…they subjected me to labor, so I subject them to my voice. Everyone else is spared that ear candy. I was actually in choir elementary school through high school and I am sure I am not quite as tone deaf as I believe myself to be, but in my mind it is pretty bad to the bone.
The list goes on…my weight, my hair, my parenting choices, anything you bring up I am sure I have something to say that is really hard on myself.
I am TERRIBLE at accepting compliments.
Someone says…Wow love that lipstick and my response is Thanks, must be the filter.
There is an exception to this. I happen to be a pretty rockin’ teacher. My childbirth class is something I am so passionate about, I can’t help but be good at it. I love giving parents in Kankakee County confidence in their birth.
Their birth story is their own and I love helping them own their birth story.
When I teach a class, I feel like a rock star!!
Everyone is looking at me, paying attention to me, and I have all the confidence in the world. It is like taking center stage at the United Center but for everything pregnancy related! Feeding baby, we cover that. Newborn bath time, yep we got that too!
Rock on with my bad self!
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