Why I Breastfeed In Public Topless
Posted on: June 2, 2015 | Breastfeeding

Ok, so it is not exactly topless. However, when I tell someone I nurse in public without a cover that is what I may as well have said with the looks I get.
I hear the arguments for modesty, respect for others, and the need to be discreet. I hear those, but I do not understand them?
I have big boobs. I mean I am a large-chested woman. I have nursed many, many times in public and no one ever really notices. I have nursed on benches, in restaurants, walking through stores, and at dolphin shows.
What is that she just said? You are telling me when her child (yes, she is 2 and no longer a baby technically) wants to nurse she doesn’t take off her shirt, take off her bra, sing a chorus of “Look at me, look at me, I am breastfeeding, look at me” while dancing on a table?
No, I do not, as fun as that sounds.
I choose to use the “layer method” for nursing because of my own body issues with my weight. When doing this I wear a nursing bra, nursing tank, and whatever other shirt I want. Time to nurse means lift up the top shirt and open latches for nursing tank & bra. Ta-da! As a spectator, and if you are deliberately choosing to watch me nurse my child that is what you are, you will only see a sweet child lying or sitting on my lap while I cuddle, talk to her, and stare into her deep, brown, magnificent eyes. Remember, if you do not want to be a spectator…turn away.
Walking through a store, I can wear my baby or child in a carrier. I do pull my breast out the top of my shirt, but you still see nothing. That nipple that you are so terrified of seeing is in my child’s mouth and when walking by me all you see is a baby’s head and some of my cleavage. No more than the cleavage you would see if no baby was attached.
My point is I am not being immodest. I am not disrespecting anyone. I am nourishing my child in the way my body was made to do. As a mother who struggled with breastfeeding her 3 other children, I am treasuring this time I have with my daughter, because too soon will come the time she no longer wants her ‘milkies’.
I love this post! Not only is it not immodest or disrespectful, it is so awesome and beautiful! Thank you for encouraging other women to do the same!