Why I Don’t Teach Bradley Method® Anymore
Posted on: October 7, 2016 | Childbirth, Uncategorized

In my own experiences of having children, I have taken 3 different childbirth classes. One was over 14 years ago and fairly outdated (even then), 6 years ago I took what I thought was the same class and while it had the same name, it was not at all what I was hoping to get out of the class. The last one I took was 4 years ago and was The Bradley Method®.
While we were experienced parents expecting our 4th child and taking our 3rd childbirth class, we really felt like we got quite a bit from this class. We bonded with the other couples in our class because rather than spending a few hours with around 20 couples, we spent 12 weeks with 2 other couples and our teachers. We learned information to help with natural childbirth and gained the confidence that planning a home birth could be safe.
Shortly after giving birth to our daughter, we found out that our instructors would be moving very far away. This would be leaving a gap in our community that I felt called to fill. Giving the expecting parents in our area more options for childbirth education than just hospital classes. I started the path to become a Bradley Method® Instructor.
I have been teaching this class for over 2 years and in that time I have realized some things. In my area Bradley Method® does not have the best reputation. It is also not just in my area. Numerous professional doulas that I think highly of had some very harsh feelings towards this method. I continued to defend it and my choice to teach. It took a while though to realize things about myself.
They were right!
While I feel there is a lot of merit in the information that is taught, there are also many things I do not agree with. One of the biggest is hearing how some students (not mine) feel like failures or ashamed of their birth experience after taking the class. They are embarrassed if they chose to {insert some sort of something not natural}.
You cannot fail birth!!
I teach my students that it is impossible to fail my class. They are all adults and capable of making decisions, even if their choice was to not pay attention in a class they paid good money to attend. I am extremely proud of all the parents who attend my classes and I am not concerned with the specifics of their labor when it comes to being proud of them. They can never disappoint me.
I don’t follow all the curriculum to the letter and it was that realization that helped me figure out that maybe this wasn’t for me. If I am changing what I teach, why am I teaching it? So I stopped.
I am so excited to offer to my community more options! My classes will no longer be 12 weeks, as that commitment is difficult for busy parents and planning baby showers, etc. I will be offering a 6 week class, 3 week class, and weekend intensives. My classes are for all types of birth, not just natural. Classes will be available for couples, but also for the times when women want to come and their partner is not interested. I am offering a class for first time parents, experienced parents, and sibling classes. The class I am most excited to offer however, is the grandparents class!
While the class content may be changing slightly, my students will still be getting an amazing teacher who loves what she does! It is scary to leave such a well-known organization and go out on my own. Scary, but exciting. I am thrilled to offer the Kankakee County area a comprehensive class tailored to meet the needs of the modern parent.
Contact us today to inquire about class schedules and how we can help your birthing experience through our classes, placenta services, labor and postpartum doulas.
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